Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Can We Give Our Pets COVID 19?

Given the zoonotic nature of the coronavirus, can we inadvertently give our pets the COVID 19 despite of observing stay-at-home guidelines?

By: Ringo Bones

Zoonotic diseases – also known as zoonoses – are diseases caused by bacteria and viruses that spread between animals and people. Unfortunately, the COVID 19 virus has mutated into something that became a global pandemic back in March 2020 – and sadder still, it seems that pet owners can give their pets COVID 19 despite strict adherence to stay at home guidelines, not to mention it can virtually be impossible to social distance from your cherished pet during a pandemic lockdown.

The possibility of people making their cherished pets sick with COVID 19 arose when a tiger at the Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID 19 and likely got the disease from the zoo’s animal handlers. Testing your pets if they got the COVID 19 virus has been a contentious issue since the WHO declared the disease a global pandemic due to the shortage of test and – currently – the tests are prioritized to essential and at risk personnel – i.e. front-line doctors and supporting healthcare workers. There has even been an outcry when that tiger from the Bronx Zoo got a COVID 19 test became headline news given that some doctors and nurses still await to be tested due to possible exposure due to lack of adequate personal protective equipment like masks and face shields.

When a pug from Chapel Hill, North Carolina became patient-zero of COVID 19 in dogs in the United States after that tiger in the Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID 19 has raised concerns given that it is virtually impossible to social distance from your pets during a lockdown. Not to mention that some towns and cities have ordered veterinary clinics to close during the ongoing COVID 19 lockdown because they are not considered as “essential businesses”.